Most anger addicts are unwilling to face the true depth of their problem. In the parlance of the recovery movement, they live in the middle of a river in Egypt called “De-Nial.” Their tendency to blame others for their outbursts and to minimize the seriousness of the damage they are causing makes it difficult to motivate them to work for lasting change. The goals of the Anger Buster One Day course are to help participants confront denial, accept responsibility for controlling their anger, become fully fluent in the Anger Buster concepts, and gain some hands-on experience in applying these concepts in their own lives.

Anger addicts can change, given the proper motivation, tools and strategies. This course provides a step-by-step process that will help them to control their anger and begin to change their anger patterns.


Using the Anger Buster ABCs of anger control (Abstain, Believe, Communicate), participants will:

  • Be challenged to get out of “De-Nial” River by using two anger assessment tools to uncover their own blind spots.
  • Be introduced to the Fight or Flight model for understanding the way anger works, and compare that to the model of the Anger Pressure Cooker.
  • Be presented with a list of 16 angry behaviors to abstain from, in order to turn down the fire under their anger pressure cooker. Working through a detailed analysis of recent anger events, participants will review, re-script and role play these events in order to master Anger Buster principles and skills that can help them avoid banned behaviors in the future.
  • Be encouraged to embrace a belief system that values 20 important attitudes and values, thus disabling some of their anger triggers. After gaining a basic understanding of the difference between religion and spirituality, participants will review, re-script and role play recent anger episodes in order to master Anger Buster principles and skills that can help them respond to stressful situations using beliefs and attitudes that are safer and more constructive.
  • Be guided toward a new way of communicating that emphasizes winning against anger by learning how to “lose,” when conflicts arise as a result of inappropriate expressions of anger. Participants will practice using specific phrases in typical anger scenarios to gain experience in expressing themselves in ways that are safer and more helpful.
  • Design a recovery plan to continue working on their anger following completion of the course, and make a formal commitment to diligently work on this plan for the next 90 days.


  • Course Introduction
  • Swimming in “De-Nial”
    • Disposing of excuses
    • The Johari Window
    • Bullying and Scapegoating
    • Telltale signs of rageaholism
    • Anger Assessment Survey
  • Why expressing anger is bad for anger addicts
    • The Fight or Flight Syndrome
    • The Anger Pressure Cooker
    • The more you do what you always did …
  • Abstain from these behaviors
    • 16 behaviors to stop doing immediately and why
    • Conduct a personal evaluation to identify the things that make you mad and compare that to the behaviors you exhibit when you are angry.
    • Identify the five “banned behaviors” you exhibit most often.
    • Review two recent anger episodes, searching for clues that would warn of approaching trouble, and identifying banned behaviors involved.
    • Rewrite those scenarios, using Anger Buster principles to script a different outcome
    • Role play new scripts to practice new skills
    • Write a script for a potential anger event, designing safer responses based on Anger Buster principles.
  • Believe in these principles for peace, happiness and permanent change
    • 20 principles that will help anger addicts to change the way they view the world, themselves and those around them.
    • Briefly explore the differences between religion and spirituality.
    • Review the way in which our assumptions and beliefs influence emotions and actions.
    • Identify five principles from the list of 20 that you need to apply most often.
    • Examine two recent anger episodes that might have been avoided if you had been practicing these values, identifying underlying beliefs that hindered constructive, safe choices.
    • After identifying the underlying negative beliefs and attitudes that contributed to the problem, rewrite and role-play the script in a way that reflects the use of appropriate attitudes and beliefs selected from the list of 20.
    • Design and discuss strategies for employing positive beliefs and attitudes when responding to future encounters.
    • Explore opportunities to practice forgiveness in present and past relationships
    • Assess the balance between work, leisure and spirituality in your life
  • Communicate using these phrases to avoid creating an anger crisis
    • The principles of deep doghouse communication and shallow doghouse communication – 21 phrases that can help get you out of the doghouse
    • How to recognize which house you are in, and which phrases to use depending on what house you are in.
    • Learning to lose as the first step in winning against anger
    • Playing “psychological ping-pong” to train yourself in agreeing instead of arguing, working with complaints my spouse typically makes about me
    • How to avoid the wrong way of apologizing
    • Examine a recent argument to identify what you said and did to end up in the deep doghouse, then rewrite the script using approved phrases that might have kept you out of the doghouse and avoided an argument
    • Review recent arguments that still require an apology and design appropriate responses using shallow dog house principles
  • Road To Recovery
    • Create a 90-day plan for working on anger
    • Formal commitment to follow that plan with an accountability partner


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